Our Ties

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Texas, United States
Nothing really different about us... normal people, normal existence, extraordinary journey of blessings brought in the most profound, difficult, devasting, and amazing circumstances. To know our journey is to know grace. I invite you in to view this simple life where extraordinary events shape together to create something only Grace can explain.......

Monday, July 2, 2012

Thanks for the example...

Yesterday, I went to a movie.  Not long into the movie, I heard a man's voice.  He kept repeating some of the things that were said and was pretty loud.  At first, I admit I thought, "Does he not know he is in a movie with other people?"  But then, after a bit, I could tell he was quite older, so I leaned forward and took a peek.  Sure enough, several rows up, there he was, bald-head shining in the dark, wearing the cutest Hawaiian shirt, sitting next to a grey headed woman.  I watched briefly and realized they were enjoying the movie so much with each other, that they had no clue they were possibly disturbing anyone around them.  The rest of the movie I didn't worry if I missed a line or two because I knew it would be repeated shortly after by my own personal commentator... who didn't even know I existed.  The movie turned out to be a very good one... minus some of the language that can't seem to be avoided these days in any movie... but the best part was when it ended.  I watched them stand up and gather their things and shuffle out of the theater,  as if they were on their first date. There is just something about old people in love.....

I was immediately thinking of our Pepolly, who is just a few weeks out from burying our precious Memolly, his bride of 70 wonderful years.  How precious to share a love like that.  I know he must miss her every single day.  I heard a song just the other day that made me cry.  It's from back in the day, so it's not new to me.  It just took on a new meaning because of losing Memolly just a few weeks ago.  The song is by Collin Raye and it is called "Love, Me".  The chorus words are: 
If you get there before I do, don't give up on me.
I'll meet you when my chores are through;
I don't know how long I'll be.
But I'm not gonna let you down, darling wait and see.
And between now and then, till I see you again,
I'll be loving you. Love, me.

Listen to the song in full here... it's just precious.  Collin Raye, Love Me.

It's funny how meanings of a song change, when you grow older and wiser and more aware of just how much old love really means.  Young love is sweet, pure, beautiful.... yet expected.  But old love, that endures trials, tribulations, temptations, and many years yet continues to resonate the same adoration of the young love, only deeper and even more cherished, holds such stronger value for me as a wife of almost 19 years.  It's my example and my goal.

Todd and I have what I consider old love.  We have only been married 19 years, but the things we have been through, the fires and tests we have endured (and still are enduring) has drawn us into a place that even when I am annoyed by him or not liking him much (and knowing he isn't liking me that much that day either), I still know that I can't see myself without him at the end of my journey on earth.  He is the one God created for me when God knew me before He knit me together in my mother's womb (Psalms 139). Todd is the one! He still looks at me with the eyes of love he had for me when I was a "dish" in my young, near perfect body (which by the way I never knew I had until I had babies and aged some and now realize what it was I really had back then!).  I know, after all we have endured, that Todd loves ME... not my looks or the temporary things... that are passing away before my eyes it seems these days....  He loves my heart.  He loves my mind.  He loves my love. 

Our days are numbered on earth.  God has a plan for our lives and only He knows how long we have.  Some of us are able to make it to 70 years of marriage like Meep and Peep.  Some of us never make it to our 4th birthday like my precious little son, Eathan. But all of us have someone placed in our lives that He is asking us to love for however long we are here.  My little Eathan so understood that.  He loved like I had never seen a child love... right in the middle of his terrible suffering that I couldn't stop or even help.  Man, he loved.  I want to be like him.  And honestly, some are so easy to love it almost feels unreal.  Others, however, require a daily knee conversation with God, begging Him to help me to love like He loves.  But if we are breathing, we are called to love... and yes, that means even (and especially) the unlovable.

I don't think that means be a door mat.  I am not asking myself or any of you to place ourselves in the Martyr zone.  Loving others doesn't mean accepting less than God's best for our lives.  If someone is abusing, we don't accept the abuse because we are called to love.  If someone is harming those we love, we don't allow it because we are called to love.  Jesus loved everyone.... even those that hated him most... but He didn't dwell in their sin with them.  He met them there, he reacted to their hatred with peace and love, but he didn't allow it to be approved for the sake of love.

I think of Jesus when the soldiers came.  Peter lashed out and cut the ear off of a soldier.  Jesus did not condone the soldier in his actions, but He showed love of the person in spite of his actions.  He turned to Peter and told him to put down the sword.  Though undeserving, he reached over and miraculously healed the soldier.  He did not tell the soldier what he was doing or about to do was acceptable. As a matter of fact, when I think about what it must have been like for that Soldier to see Jesus look him square in the eyes, I quiver inside! That soldier knew that the love Jesus was giving was not accepting of the sin, of this I have no doubt!  But Jesus chose to show undeserving love by acting in a manner of quiet, strong peace and trusted that God would handle things for Him.  Jesus did not role over like a whimp and just allow them to torment Him.  It was obvious Jesus was in charge.  That soldier knew who he was reckoning with.  But Jesus knew God had a plan and His job was to be obedient to God. 

Therefore, my message today in this blog is love... not helpless love that causes a person to exist in a helpless existence.  God is power and therefore His love is powerful.  My message is love like God and let Him lead.  If you are in a terrible situation, you can't do it on your own.  If you are in a good situation, eventually something hard will come.  Either way, loving when it is easy is wonderful, but loving like Christ when it is hard is empowering.  Some people God will allow to endure some things in order to love another other person into His Kingdom and grace. Others God will ask to love a person while showing them it is time for the ways to part.  Marriages, parent/child, friendships, etc.  Only God can lead us in the way of His love.

But when we know we are enveloped in His love, we will find God loves us through others and calls us to be His love to others.  I have that love... even on my hardest days.  And sometimes, sitting in a movie theater, is when God reminds me... "Robin, I am loving you and loving others all around you.  Keep looking.  Keep loving.  Keep believing."

Thanks for the example old man who talked too loud to your bride in the theater.  Thanks for the example Meep and Peep.  Thanks for the example Mom and Dad.  Thanks for the example, my old love and hubby!  Thanks for the example kids!  Thanks for the example friends!  Thanks for the greatest example of all Jesus. 

Blessed and loving!


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