Our Ties

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Texas, United States
Nothing really different about us... normal people, normal existence, extraordinary journey of blessings brought in the most profound, difficult, devasting, and amazing circumstances. To know our journey is to know grace. I invite you in to view this simple life where extraordinary events shape together to create something only Grace can explain.......

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My heart is "beeping" too!

Today is such a good, good day.  You know when you do something that you feel led to do, but it is hard?  And then you wonder as soon as you have done it, if it was the right thing to do because Satan is there presenting doubt at the moment you do it?  And because he is a master of deception, he can begin to trick you into questioning every last detail of what you did, even though you know you prayed and knew and felt at peace about it?  But then... BUT THEN.... something happens that just confirms you did the right thing?  You made the right decision and suddenly it is like you can almost hear the sounds "AHHHHHHHH" ringing out?  That's me... today.  And it made for a good, good day.

But it's not always easy.  And the way things are confirmed aren't always painless.  But even when the confirmation hurts a bit, you still breathe easier because the confusion fades and you can just let a deep sigh go and relax.  And you look up and say, "Yep, You got this. I knew it.  Thanks for the reminder."

I have to admit, sometimes I get so messed up in my head.  I really want to walk so closely with God.  I really make an effort every day to try to do His will.  But life happens and things happen and hurt happens and... and... and.... then before I know it, I am all twisted in my thinking.  I get my priorities and focus derailed on things that are not helping me towards Christ, but rather sucking the life out and before I even realize it, I am worrying about things and trying to handle things in the flesh.  Never works.  EVER.

But when I take those things, confess them again, and truly trust Him to lead... boy does He lead.... and when I willingly follow, and try to do it in a way that is peaceful and not fighting against Him, He seems to open doors and close doors in a way I never could. 

And then the blessings come.

And as I have come to a place of peace yet again with letting go and letting God, I felt Him at work so, so strongly last night.  I teach on Wednesday nights at church with some adorable kids.  Last night, though I had plans for where the lesson would go, God redirected in the midst and off we went... His way.  I felt Him.  I knew He was working.  I just didn't know exactly how. 

And then my daughter told me, "Mama, I need to talk to you more.  My heart was beeping A LOT when you were talking about Jesus tonight!"  We shared some sweet moments of shared hearts with many more coming!  My heart overflows.  I love her little beeping heart!  And I love that God is showing me His favor.

I don't know how things will turn out in any part of my life.  Just when I think I know what's up, it's not what's up at all.  Sometimes I try so hard to keep things the way they were or the way I want them that I forget some of the greatest blessings are in unexpected changes. 

I wish I could say everything has a happy ending here on earth.  But we know that is not the case.  But what I do know, is that I am going to love God, Love people, and do my best to remember that whatever happens, my job is to follow God.  If it means I am alone at times, Ok.  If it means I am surrounded in a crowd of thousands, ok.  If it means I have to wait for God to work things out and just step back, ok.  If it means I have to aggressively fight (like I do for my adopted kids), then you bet I will. 

And when I forget, God will remind me... one way or another!  And for that, I am deeply grateful!

How about you?


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