Our Ties

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Texas, United States
Nothing really different about us... normal people, normal existence, extraordinary journey of blessings brought in the most profound, difficult, devasting, and amazing circumstances. To know our journey is to know grace. I invite you in to view this simple life where extraordinary events shape together to create something only Grace can explain.......

Saturday, August 17, 2013

My summer 20

A difficult, but blessed summer is coming to a close.  Hard to believe.  I have had many moments of reflection over the summer.  I thought today, as we leave for a last minute resort get-away before I start back on Monday, it would be a good day to share a brief hint of many things I have re-learned and will be writing more in depth about in the days ahead. 

1.  Every single time a new situation arises, we have a decision to make.  Faith or failure.  There really isn't an in between.

2.  No matter how much we love someone, we can't make them better.  They have to want it.

3.  When what we want isn't what happens, it is then that God is most evident... if we have chosen faith and not failure.

4.  The world will preach otherwise about number 3.  The world is always trying to convince us when we don't get our way, God is absent.  Not so.  Not if we have chosen faith and not failure.

5.  When we mess up and choose failure... and we all do.... it takes but a second to turn back into our faith and God is instantly there.. always waiting.

6.  When we are in an emotional journey, many other things seem more painful than they would have otherwise.  Be fair to yourself and others and admit you are sensitive.

7.  Joy is always available.  There is always something wonderful.  If you have Jesus, you have joy.  Find it in the worst moments.  It won't erase the sadness, fear, anger, or pain, but it will remind you that it will pass.

8.  Difficulties always settle who is real in your life.

9.  Sometimes people just don't have the ability to walk a journey with you.  It's okay.  Love them anyway.

10.  Dogs are the best listeners.  And their eyes have the essence of unconditional love looking back at you... always.

11.  When someone hurts someone you love when you are already hurting, the anger and hurt is so instant that you have to take some breaths and make sure you don't react.

12.  There is such, such, such freedom in letting go.

13.  People don't always like honesty... they will be the first to shoot off their thoughts, but not always as quick to hear.  Love them anyway.

14.  Don't try to make the world right.  That's God's job.  Just do what you can do, do what you are called to do and directed to do by God,  and know that He will keep working where you just can't.

15.  When you make a hard decision and God was with you on it, the peace that flows is beyond description.

16.  His word never lies, always speaks fresh, and provides a way to an answer in every single moment.

17.  Sometimes jus sitting with God is far better than any words or prayers.  The Holy Spirit work does so much more than my mouth ever could for my heart.

18.  There is a difference in grace and being a doormat.  You can have grace without letting someone completely destroy you.  Grace is love and prayer... not submission to destructive ways.

19.  Kids that love Jesus (like my youngest two children do) bring a brilliant rainbow of color into a world full of broken pain.  It is beyond a beautiful thing to know that my children are walking with the Lord.

20.  God knows exactly what He is doing when He plants people in our lives... and when He takes others away.  Just trust him.

.... I have much deeper things I will write on.  Twenty just seems like a fair start.  It's kind of a high light as June was wretchedly painful.  July was full of working through anger, sadness, and fear.  August has been coming to terms.

All of it has had tears and... AND... great laughter from the soul. 

Again I say it. 
He is and always will be enough!

Off to act rich and "resort" for the weekend!


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